I have an idle friend whose dream is to make it big someday. yet! he has no job, no standard qualification and no experience . His dream is to be a successful singer, living large and having all that his heart desires.
I asked how that will be possible and he said to me "i have faith "
Then i began to wonder how faith works!
Does faith drive someone who doesn't have what it takes to get what he want?
He couldn't even sing melodiously, his voice, hmmmmm very frogy and yet he's talking about making it big.
So i though about giving him a humble advice but before then i asked What was his passion?
He was fast to answer "music" then i told him
First of all making "music" means you can make melody with your voice. Being a good singer is not what you inherit or what you fake , its what is in you! . However, a little of it can be developed into something so big and meaningful
I advised him to get a formal knowledge on music, get to know how to play one or two of the musical instruments, work on his voice, get a formal education and move on with his life while he await his passion unfold along the line.
Many youth in my country see music as a fast way of making money .They have short changed its original ideas and benefit for their fast money making model. they sing what trend , not what make sense to them
they use foul languages to attract more audience, this has prompted immorality to be inculcated into our younger generation.
How can you do something because you want a return by all mean and yet you call it your passion?
No its not a passion its a means!
If music had been a means of survival we won't have met its originality and uniqueness.This is now being bastardizes for selfish reason.
my question is if this "means" stops what will be left in you?
what impact would you have made?
what would people have to say about you
what quality of baton have you passed on
wont you rather stop looking for a means and focus on what drives you?
No matter what happens to you in life, you will never get tired of doing what drives you!
You don't have to be another beyonce, or another puff daddy, you don't have to be another tu face or hussien bolt.
if your passion is to run, break bolts record
if your passion is to dance, do better than MJ
Be the best THAT the best ever wished to be.
Why not be yourself! why not fill in a new gap ! why not make a new name
Would you rather be listed below someone who has made it on something ?
Why not be the first on the list
Think it over and over
Your passion leads you to your dreams
Follow it!!!
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